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The Complete Scrum Master Course

The Complete Scrum Master Course

Prijs: $24.99

What is agile?

The actual definition of agile is found in the agile manifestoThe manifesto makes it clear that agile is not a Methodology It is not specific way of developing software And it is not a framework or process Agile is a set of values and principles Much of the discussion around agile has to do with following different practices, using various methodologies and even developing with specific tools, whilst these things might help with a team that is trying to follow agile, they aren’t agile in of themselves.

Look at this first team examplethey may find that having a daily stand up meeting is helpful, the stand up is only agile to the extent that it is the result of a team following the agile principle and values. When you understand this, it is really easy to see that agile is a collection of beliefs that teams can use for making decisions, about how to do the work of developing software; this means the term agile gets subjected to a large amount of backlash, when people claim that this or that is the correct way to be agile.

In understanding what agile really is, you’ll be surprised to know how flexible it truly is.

Wat is Scrum?

In scrum there are three key roles that are needed for the framework to work well.

1. The product ownerthis is the person responsible for defining the features that are needed in the product. The product owner has the innovative ideas that turn into products

2. The scrum masteris a servant leader to the team, responsible for protecting the team and the process, running the meetings and keeping things going

3. Het teamcan be made up pf developers, testers, writers and anyone else that helps in building the product Team members often play multiple roles, some days developers end up doing test or testers may end up doing writing, either way; the team works to get the product done.

Who should take is course?

Scrum masters, product owners, team members, business stakeholders or you may be someone who wants to understand what makes scrum tick, this is the place to start. If you are preparing for a scrum master certification or other scrum certification, this class is for you.

What will I learn?

In this class you will learn:

  • A full overview of ScrumThe exact events, De inzet is hoog, rules and artifacts used to deliver a project using scrum along with the history of Scrum. This includes lectures on the fundamentals of Sprint Planning, The Daily Scrum, Sprintbeoordeling, Sprint Retrospectief, Scrum Artifacts and more.

  • The facts based on the Scrum GuideThe correct terminology and use of Scrum is essential to mastering it. The Scrum Guide is the rule book on Scrum. In deze cursus, you will receive a full and detailed overview.

  • Scrum Certification Preparationwith a practice test for certification such as PSM1

Voor wie is deze cursus bedoeld?:

  • Anyone who wants to adopt an Agile mindset.

  • Anyone who wants a complete overview of Scrum and certainty that they are getting the facts

  • Anyone preparing for a Scrum certification

  • A candidate who wants answers to frequently misunderstood points within Scrum

  • Anyone who believes agile is a methodology?!

This course was created with the use of resources and material from the following sources:

Scrum-gids, agilemanifesto. org, the Agile alliance in addition to smartsheet, Matrix Resources and the Less Company; all used as a guide to creating this course.

Voice over supplied by Marie TavernierPresentation Designed by Laique Alhassan

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