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VoiceQ Training voor Adapters

VoiceQ Training voor Adapters

Prijs: $19.99

Adaptors (Translators)

Overlaying the translation immediately over the movie provides instant validation of the use of words, labials, lip-sync, and timing. Once the script is translated and adapted, easily e-mail the project file to the studio ready for dubbing.

What is VoiceQ?

VoiceQ is a full suite of native and cloud applications used for media localization including Automated Digital Replacement (ADR), Audio Description (ADVERTENTIE), Lip Sync Dubbing, Closed Captioning (CC), and VoiceOver (VO).

VoiceQ raises the bar on accessibility, rendement, kwaliteit, and sustainability.

  1. All applications can be used individually, gecombineerd, or integrated with existing proprietary workflows and systems.

  2. VoiceQ enables faster recording speed and flexibility so the director can focus on what really mattersthe voice talent performance.

  3. VoiceQ’s feature set enables fast script and music adaptation while synchronizing the text and lyrics according to each scene.

  4. VoiceQ enables facility-based, hybrid or 100% remote delivery and quality control of OTT | SVOD level projects.

  5. VoiceQ makes recruitment, Essentiële managementvaardigheden voor opkomende leiders, and retention more engaging and effective.

  6. VoiceQ supports all users running macOS 10.9 en verder.

  7. VoiceQ produces outstanding results with the delivery of 10,000 – 30,000 minutes per annum of ADR, ADVERTENTIE, Dubbing, and VO with annual revenues of USD $900KUSD $4.8M and gross margins of 10-30%.


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