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Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Цена: $94.99

Design Thinking….Mastering the Science of Mind

Your imagination is everythingit is the preview of your life’s coming attractions”. Альберт Эйнштейн

Mind Science is based on applied evidence-based research taking the reader on 365- day learning journey. Learn how to apply positive emotion and thought for purposeful life experience creation turning thoughts to things. Learn Mind Science from the common perspectives of Quantum Physics, физика, Две/три штуки, Metaphysics, Психология, Духовность, Теология, Neuroscience and Leadership of Past and 21st Century.

Mind Science takes you on a voyage of self-discovery understanding the law of attraction, the multiple intelligence’s, Эмоциональный интеллект, Узнать что, Как стать счастливее и улучшить свое самочувствие, изменив свои привычки, quantum physics, экономика, Степени доктора и доктора наук присуждаются взаимозаменяемо всеми факультетами Инженерной школы и Школы наук, за исключением областей биологии., Менц является автором более, tips and strategies from 21st century leaders and leaders of past.

Supplemental activities and lessons included are:

How to Complete the Program
Journal writing / Self – Reflection
Creative Visualization
Emotion Energy Tuner
Закон притяжения
Эмоциональный интеллект
Multiple Intelligence’s
Каждая минута вашего промедления на самом деле СТОИТ вам
Советы / Стратегии

If you have any interest in taking total control of your life experience to create the life that you want, you should take this course!

Results are based on your own understanding and application.

Узнайте, как “design your thinking”….learn how to master the science of mind”.

This course is filled with video and text content.

Downloadable Text Book – 365 Days of Support

Hundreds of processes, strategies and support tips to maximize the emotion mind.

Learn how to apply the emotion mind to the multiple intelligence’s.

Около arkadmin

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