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سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

استئناف الكتابة: ثبت نجاح مقابلة الأحلام – 2019

استئناف الكتابة: ثبت نجاح مقابلة الأحلام – 2019

السعر: $79.99

Job Hunting, استئناف الكتابة, Master Interviewing Skills, Dress to Impress, Body language and Right Mindset and Sample Interview Question Answers All in One Course for you.

Today’s Market Reality in a Flash

  • It’s still a struggling economy with few job openings.
  • You don’t even know where and when these jobs come before they are taken.
  • Even if you know one, there is huge competition, hard to beat.
  • You have been putting in lot of efforts looking for your Dream highly paid Job but couldn’t get even close to getting it.

Over the Past 7 سنوات, I have worked closely with huge number of unemployed people, I’ve interviewed and thoroughly observed recruitment heads and specialists, I’ve coached and mentored hundreds of candidates in Retail and Corporate world.

Going through thousands of Resumes/CV’s, it is no surprise to me that 70% of people make critical mistakes in Job hunt, Resume writing. Even the highly qualified and brilliant candidates make major mistakes in interviews, I’ve trained and coached countless Retail and Corporate Hiring managers on the selection and filtering process for Ideal candidates,

Do you know that it takes first 9 ثواني for any hiring manager to choose your Resume or to throw it? Your Resume will get Picked Up almost every time it gets through the hiring manager’s hands and will Never be thrown away.

With all of my knowledge and experience I have put together this course, comprised of a Proven System that You can easily follow to get you a new dream job in 30 أيام.

This course brings for you;

  • Job Hunting made easy. Proven ways to hunt your desired Job Fast and Easy, tap the hidden job market.
  • Learn the most modern Robotic protocols و ATS platforms filtering the ideal Resume. The inner secret AI system codes used to pick resumes for job interview and use them.
  • Create an eye catching, Tech Savvy Resume to get you 3 times more job interviews.
  • Get into the right Mind set and Attitude for a Big Job Interview. اخرج دفتر ملاحظاتك Positive Body Language critically important for Great Interview.
  • Develop the winning Body Gestures و Non-Verbal Communication. Dress codes and Appearance to get past all of your Competitors.
  • Proven best resume writing skills.
  • Get hired Faster. Prepare for your Winning interviews.
  • Top interview Questions and Answers. Develop the ability to conquer the most difficult job interview questions.
  • Prepare for the Big job interview in a Proven Professional way, which will make You beat the competition almost every time
  • ال salary related questions in a professional and right way.
  • Boost your الثقة والنهج every opportunity.
  • Follow the guidelines properly and Land a new job in 30 أيام.
  • Get a مجانا “Salary negotiation E-Book” at the completion of this Course.

This course is specifically designed for:

Ø Anyone Looking for a Dream Job.

Ø Anyone who hates his/her Job and need to Get and New Job Fast/Easy.

Ø Fresh Student Graduates looking forward to start a new Career.

Ø Anyone looking for a highly paid Job.

Ø Everyone Interested developing the Job Hunt skills, Pro Resume writing and Master Interview skills, and to Develop the leading personality with Right Mindset and Attitude.

Ø People who are willing to take the next big step in their career in a new Job Role.

Ø Anyone willing to change Job sector/industry.

Ø Anyone willing to work hard and develop the professional as well as Soft skills for Personal/Professional Growth.

Ø I advise you to please complete the course and take notes, ask any question and i will be glad to reply you back within 48 ساعات.

شكرًا جزيلاً لك على الوقت الذي قضيته في التحقق من الدورة التدريبية الخاصة بي. You will absolutely love it, and I can’t wait to share my knowledge and experience with you in this course!

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عن arkadmin

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