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فقدت كلمة المرور

فقدت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟ الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. ستتلقى رابطا وستنشئ كلمة مرور جديدة عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

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تسجيل دخول

سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

Teaching with Technology 1 – Improving your Presentations

Teaching with Technology 1 – Improving your Presentations

السعر: $19.99

Do you want to enhance your presentations by adding interactivity, engagement and excitement – Well this is the right course for you!

بنهاية هذه الدورة, learners will be able to create amazing multimedia presentations which will enhance your audiences learning and viewing experience!

The course is split into 2 main sections – Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Sway.

I will begin the course by guiding learners through improving their presentations using PowerPoint. I will show learners how to add images, audio and video to your slides, as well as teaching learners about narration, annotation animations and transitions.

The course will finish by looking at Microsoft Sway, a digital storytelling app, accessed entirely online, that allows you to create and share interactive presentations, class materials and projects. I will teach learners how to use sway, how to get the best out of the various design options and how to produce a professional, online presentation using Microsoft sway.

خلال الدورة, there will be special example lessons that demonstrate the skills and techniques learnt in the course, and I will include real life practical examples, all of which are available for my learners to download.

وبالتالي, if you are an Administrator, مدير, Teacher, Classroom assistant, Course Creator, or just a Professional interested in enhancing your presentations with the use of technology, why not sign up today?

عن arkadmin

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