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سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

The New Scrum Master Certification of 2021 – 800 الأسئلة

The New Scrum Master Certification of 2021 – 800 الأسئلة

السعر: $19.99

BE READY ! Work hard and pass your Scrum Master Certification assessment of 2021 on FIRST TRY.

100% of my students have passed their Scrum Master Certification on the first attempt with the help of this training.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ و 98% of them are satisfied with the practice tests. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

These practice tests contain :

  • 800 الأسئلة : 4 tests of 120 الأسئلة + 2 tests of 160 questions in English.

  • Corrections with explanations : that will help you to understand the logic of Scrum and the Scrum Master’s role.

  • My coaching : I will answer your questions rapidly and do my best to help you to be ready for the real assessment.

Want to be certified as a Scrum Master to boost your career?
Feel nervous about failing at the exam?
لا تقلق. I am going to help you to get your certification.

Why getting certified as a Scrum Master?

If you already are a Scrum Master : Getting certified will confirm your professional knowledge and will allow you to get a better mission with a better wage.

If you want to become a Scrum Master : The certification is the best start. It’s good to prove you already have the basic knowledge of the Scrum Framework to start a job as a Scrum Master and get very prosperous and long term career opportunities.
In this global crisis we are living, the digital & IT industry is exploding and the demand for Scrum Masters is increasing every year. It’s time to step in!

Proper certifications require a strong knowledge of the Scrum Framework and the Scrum Master accountancy (85% of passing score for the PSM I for example).

These sets of preparation tests are based on the very last November 2020 version of the Guide. This training is ideal for preparing certification such as PSM / CSM (غير رسمي).

Benefits of this course:

  • Boost your career : A Scrum certification is a career start kicker that with prove to your employer / client that you have a strong knowledge of Scrum and the Scrum Master’s role.

  • Pass your Scrum Master Certification on FIRST TRY : Don’t waste money. Serious self-studying along with a couple of affordable Udemy course will guarantee your success.

  • Be well prepared for the lowest price : Those practice tests will offer you both the المعرفه و ال منهجية to avoid all the traps and to succeed on the D-day (بوضوح, the most expensive training is the real exam when you fail…).

  • Perform better : Your mission is not only to get your certification, it’s to get it with a high score so you can mention it on your resume. Maximize your score with a comprehensive training.

  • Fast results : Get ready sooner by testing and sharpening your Scrum knowledge. This is a bootcamp, you will train hard.

And most of all :

  • 100% مالback guarantee : There is no risk subscribing to this course as the platform guarantees that you can claim a refund without any justification within 30 أيام. What do you have to lose?

Facts about the 1,884 students who took these practice tests :

  • 98% of them are satisfied. You can read the reviews.

  • All the students I asked told me (many months after having passed the exam) أن their certification boosted their career in terms of position and salary.

  • A lot of my students are new in the Agile / Scrum Community and are eager to start a new job in a fast growing industry (especially in this global crisis).

  • A lot of my students work for the Fortune Global 500.

  • Some of my students have purchased my practice tests AFTER having failed at the exam a first time and they ALL told me how much I helped them to pass their exam the second time.


Student Testimonials :

Lee Yu :

Helped me a lot in my PSM 1 شهادة. Before attempting this course, I failed my assessment twice (78% و 82%). After attempting this course and do assessment, i scored 93%.

Ramya :

دورة رائعة. I passed PSM1 on my first attempt with 97.5%. I supplemented my learning with these practice tests. Highly recommend

Sabine :

دورة رائعة! I do not think I would have passed the PSM 1 without it (or at least not on the first try). شكراً جزيلاً. I actually thought it was quite good practice, that these tests were longer than the real one.

Elodie :

Take your time and be confident, Ludovic’s course will lead you to successful certification. The proof ? 100% correct answers for me !!”

————– إخلاء المسؤولية القانونية ————–

These practice tests are not أيد من قبل, ولا في شراكة, nor affiliated with Scrum . غزاله.

The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum . غزاله. لا يشكل هذا التدريب مصادقة على أي منتج, خدمة أو وجهة نظر. سكرم . org لا تقدم أي إقرارات, ضمانات أو تأكيدات من أي نوع, صريح أو ضمني, فيما يتعلق بالاكتمال, صحة, الموثوقية, ملاءمة, توفر أو عملة المحتوى المتضمن في هذا العرض التقديمي أو أي مادة متعلقة بهذا العرض. لا يجوز بأي حال سكرم . غزاله, وكلائها, الضباط, الموظفين, المرخص لهم أو الشركات التابعة مسؤولون عن أي أضرار من أي نوع (بما فيها, بدون حدود, تعويضات عن خسارة الأرباح, معلومات العمل, فقدان المعلومات) الناشئة عن المعلومات أو البيانات الواردة في التدريب. أي اعتماد تضعه على مثل هذا المحتوى يكون على مسؤوليتك الخاصة.

عن arkadmin

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