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Kurs tworzenia stron internetowych Adobe Experience Manager 6.5-AEM

Kurs tworzenia stron internetowych Adobe Experience Manager 6.5-AEM

Cena: $94.99

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an enterprise-grade content management platform with a wide array of powerful features. AEM is managed through a rich graphical interface accessible through any modern browser, enabling such desktoplike features as in-place editing of text and graphics, drag and drop of page elements, and visual design of workflows.

The AEM application modules sit on top of the AEM shared framework, which contains all functionalities that are shared among all the application modules, na przykład, mobile functionality, multi-site manager, taxonomy management, and workflow. In addition to the shared application framework, the AEM applications (Sites, Assets, Apps, i tak dalej) share the same infrastructure and same user interface (interfejs użytkownika) struktura.


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