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Zaawansowana implementacja i zarządzanie Hyper-V

Zaawansowana implementacja i zarządzanie Hyper-V

Cena: $49.99

In this Advanced Hyper-V Implementation and Management training course, expert author John Savill will teach you how to architect and deploy Hyper-V deployments. This course is designed for users that already have experience with Hyper-V.

You will start by learning about advanced networking and virtual storage with Hyper-V. Programowanie w Microsoft C#, John will teach you how to create and use Hyper-V templates, including how to manually deploy virtual machines for Hyper-V, install Hyper-V integration services, and use MVMC. This video tutorial also covers tuning and resource management with Hyper-V, klaster pracy awaryjnej, and Hyper-V live migration. Wreszcie, you will learn how Hyper-V fits in a remote desktop services solution.

takie jak szyfrowanie plików użytkownika i hash danych, you will have learned advanced concepts for implementing and managing Hyper-V.

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