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AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Prep Course

AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Prep Course

Cena: $99.99

This course is a preparation course for students who want to attempt the Exam AI-900: Egzamin praktyczny AI-900

This course has contents for the Exam AI-900

Cele omówione w tym kursie to

  • Opisz obciążenia i uwagi dotyczące sztucznej inteligencji (15-20%)Here we will discuss the the basics on AI-based workloads.

  • Opisz podstawowe zasady uczenia maszynowego na platformie Azure (30-35%)Here we will understand what is Machine Learning. We will also look at labs on how to work with the Machine Learning service.

  • Opisz funkcje obciążeń wizyjnych na platformie Azure (15-20%)Here we will look at the different features of the Computer Vision service. We will also look at the Custom Vision service, the Face service and the Form Recognizer service.

  • Opisz cechy przetwarzania języka naturalnego (NLP) obciążenia na platformie Azure (15-20%)Here we will look at services such the Text Analytics service, the Language Understanding Intelligence Service , the Speech service.

  • Opisz funkcje konwersacyjnych obciążeń AI na platformie Azure (15-20%)Here we will see the basics on the QnA Maker service and the Bot Framework.

This course also has a number of practice questions that will help students get better prepared to take on the exam.

There is also a number of labs available in this course. These labs focus on the different services available in Azure when it comes to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.


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