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Apple Keynote Essentials

Apple Keynote Essentials

Cena: $49.99

W tym kursie, my business partner and husband agreed to be my guest presenter to walk you through the essentials of becoming an expert at creating amazing presentations in Apple’s Keynote. A tool we both have used for over fifteen years now.

W tym kursie, Carl will teach you how to use Keynote, from the basics right through to creating a visually inspiring presentation.

After completing this course you will be the envy of your colleagues and bosses, because you will have the skills to create brilliant, inspiring and memorable presentations using the best presentation software available today.

It does not matter if you have never used Keynote before, Carl will walk you through the basics and then take you on a journey towards mastering Keynote and presenting.

Good luck and please feel free to ask any questions you have. We love questions!

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