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Certyfikat etyki sztucznej inteligencji

Certyfikat etyki sztucznej inteligencji

Cena: $19.99

The AI Ethics Certification course teaches right and wrong, if such a thing exists, in the context of the artificial intelligence industry. This three-section training starts by askingWhat is ethics?” We’ll discuss its history, different philosophies, ethics in business, and learn the five most common principles. Drugi, ethics as it pertains specifically to AI with interviews from founders across the globe. We will examine commonly cited principles from governments and leaders and equate them to the five traditional pillars. Then finally, we establish a framework for your ethics roadmap. The goal is to provide stronger trust between you, your product or service, the people in the industry, and the public. Despite being a nebulous topic, we’ll have fun on the path to understanding morality and committing to a better future.

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