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Azure Administrator

Azure Administrator

Cena: $84.99

Hello Welcome to this fantastic training on Azure.

This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, create and scale virtual machines, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, backup and share data, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, and monitor your solution

This course is for Azure Administrators. Azure Administrators manage the cloud services that span storage, sieci, i możliwości chmury obliczeniowej, with a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle. They take end-user requests for new cloud applications and make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, a także zaopatrzenie, rozmiar, monitor, and adjust as appropriate. This role requires communicating and coordinating with vendors. Azure Administrators use the Azure Portal and as they become more proficient they use PowerShell and the Command Line Interface.

This course prepare for the AZ-104 Exam
I will create new videos for the delta information for the AZ-104 Exam

W tym kursie, you will learn everything around Azure Administrator JOB

Azure Administration

Maszyny wirtualne platformy Azure

Magazyn Azure

Sieci wirtualne

Intersite Connectivity

Tworzenie i wdrażanie polityki portów zapory sieciowej, które są potrzebne do komunikacji z klientem serwera MECM

Data Protection

Network Traffic Management

Azure Active Directory

Securing Identities

Zarządzanie i zgodność

Data Services


1 How to connect to Azure

2 Virtual machines

3 Przechowywanie

4 The virtual network

5 Interconnectivity between networks

6 Tworzenie i wdrażanie polityki portów zapory sieciowej, które są potrzebne do komunikacji z klientem serwera MECM

7 Data protection

8 Load management with load balancers

9 Azure Active AD and AD Connect

10 Secure Azure AD

11 Governance and compliance

12 How to import and export your Data in bulk


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