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Become The Excel Master

Become The Excel Master

Cena: $19.99

This course have specifically been designed to train you in using Microsoft Excel. Jako twój instruktor użyję mojego 15+ years of Excel training to guide you step by step through the beginner to advanced level and beyond. I have worked in large number of companies where I worked in excel therefore I can assure you that learning with me will give you great experience

During this course you would be learning most important functions in Excel and formulas, I shall be focusing on following areas

  • Tworzenie efektywnych arkuszy kalkulacyjnych

  • Putting data in that spreadsheets

  • Applying functions given in excel on that data

  • Zarządzanie dużymi zbiorami danych

  • Opanowanie korzystania z niektórych najpopularniejszych i najbardziej poszukiwanych funkcji programu Excel (SUM, WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO, Używaj wbudowanych funkcji SQL w PL/SQL i sekwencji w wyrażeniach PL/SQL, Utwórz jednostki z pliku CSV, PIVOT TABLE)

  • Create dynamic report with Excel Pivot Tables and useful charts

  • Describing short keys in use of Excel

I hope you would enroll as this course is going to ease your ways of working, This course is going to be important not only for students but also for professionals as use of Excel is demand of every office

This course will help you to visualize, manipulate and evaluate large amount of data, particularly for the students of accounts and finance, they use excel to prepare financial statements of companies and reporting to management


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