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Witamy na stronie! Twoja rejestracja zapewni Ci dostęp do większej liczby funkcji tej platformy. Możesz zadawać pytania, wnosić wkład lub udzielać odpowiedzi, przeglądaj profile innych użytkowników i wiele więcej. Zarejestruj się teraz!

Zbuduj swoją markę osobistą w 4 Łatwe kroki

Zbuduj swoją markę osobistą w 4 Łatwe kroki

Cena: $34.99

In order to compete in the new economy, you need new skills and a new mindset. There is no linear career path anymore and instead you have to be accountable for your own career and take charge of your life. Ponadto, the internet has changed how we manage our careers and social media has become the preeminent channel to communicate who you are and what you do. Your first impression is no longer a handshake, it’s a Google search for your name. What people discover about you online can make or break you and if you don’t take control of your online brand, someone else will. Dziś, everyone is a brand, even you! Those who will be successful will understand the power of personal branding and best leverage it to stand out from the competition and turn their passions into profits.

I created this brand building guide because I wanted you to be one of those successful professionals. This course will show you, from start to finish, how to build a personal brand that you will be proud of and that will enhance your career or your business. These branding fundamentals will help you better compete in an ever changing economy and give you more meaning in all that you do.


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