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Certyfikowany Inspektor Bezpieczeństwa Systemów Informatycznych (wychodzę)

Certyfikowany Inspektor Bezpieczeństwa Systemów Informatycznych (wychodzę)

Cena: $149.99

Po zakończeniu, Certified Information Systems Security Officer students will not only be able to establish industry acceptable Cyber Security & IS management standards with current best practices but also be prepared to competently take the CISSO exam.

The Certified Information Systems Security Officer certification training was a direct initiative of the DND – Department of National Defence of Canada in cooperation with the DOD – Department of Defense of the United States; defined in the dual initiative titled CANUS CDISM MOUID#: 1974100118.

In the CANUS CDISM MOU, it stated the following: i. The CDRSN National Information System Security Officer (ISSO) is the focal point for all security issues pertaining to this network. II. The Director Information Management Security (DIMSECUR) is the DND authority for security assessment of the CDRSN, including the approval of Interim Authority to Process (IAP) and Authority to Communicate. With these initiatives in mind, Mile2 created the Certified ISSO. The CISSO addresses the broad range of industry best practices, knowledge and skills expected of a security manager/officer. The candidate will learn in-depth theory pertaining to the practical implementation of core security concepts, praktyki, monitoring and compliance in the full panorama of IS management.

Through the use of a risk-based approach, the CISSO is able to implement and maintain cost-effective security controls that are closely aligned with both business and industry standards. Whether you’re responsible for the management of a Cyber Security team, a Security Officer, an IT auditor or a Business Analyst, the C)ISSO certification course is an ideal way to increase your knowledge, ekspertyza, and skill.

  • ACCREDITED by the NSA CNSS 4011-4016
  • MAPPED to NIST / Homeland Security NICCS’s Cyber Security Workforce Framework
  • APPROVED on the FBI Cyber Security Certification Requirement list (Tier 1-3)

Informacje o egzaminie

The Certified Information Systems Security Officer exam is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System („MACS”), który jest dostępny na Twoim koncie mile2. Egzamin odbędzie się 2 godzin i składają się z 100 pytania wielokrotnego wyboru. Koszt jest $400 USD and must be purchased from Mile2.


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