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CISSP Management Identity and Access Practice Exam

CISSP Management Identity and Access Practice Exam

Cena: $94.99

Przykładowe pytania

Q) Which of the following attack is also known as the time of registration (TOC) / Time of use (TOU)?

a) eavesdropping

b) Traffic Analysis Analysis ~~ POS = HEAD COMP

C) maska

D) A race condition

mi) Nic

Q) What access control model works best in an environment that requires a high level of safety and requiring that only the administrator provides access control?

a) Dacian

b) Marka GNU

C) access control matrix


mi) Nic

Q) In order to better describe the tool (ie remote, kalkulator, memory card, or a smart card), which is used to deliver dynamic password?

a) tickets

b) tokens

C) Handover data network

D) coupons

mi) Nic

Q) Confidential number that is used as an authentication factor to monitor a user’s identity is called:

a) PIN

b) użytkownik

C) hasło

D) Połączenie

mi) Nic

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