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Contextual Learning to Boost Creativity

Contextual Learning to Boost Creativity

Cena: $94.99

Do you ever get stuck in a project, or an area of life?
Do you want to change and create something new?
Jeśli tak, za pomocą Contextual Learning to boost your Creativity might just be the course for you!

Contextual learning provides practical tools to take creativity and learning into your own hands. With real life examples, stories and assignments after every lecture, you will be put to work.

Podczas tego kursu będziesz:

  • Find out what blocks your creativity;
  • Find out how to unblock your creativity;
  • Find creative and sustainable solutions in any context you are in.

Feel free to explore what the course has to offer. Check out the free preview videos and remember that you have a 30-day money back guarantee once you decide to take the course. Join me in the virtual classroom and let’s boost our creativity and learning!


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