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Dynamika 365 CRM + Kurs dla programistów PowerApps – Część 3

Dynamika 365 CRM + Kurs dla programistów PowerApps – Część 3

Cena: $24.99


This video course is focused on implementing automation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM ( Zaangażowanie klienta ) Nikola jest liderem oddziału i projektu OWASP, a w przeszłości wykładał na kilku renomowanych uniwersytetach. This is the 3rd course in the Dynamika 365 CRM + Programista PowerApps course series.

As part of the OOB customization practices, developers can automate business processes of the customers so that repetitive tasks be preformed easily. Dynamika 365 CRM application provides many UI tools to implement automation. those are known as Processes.

This course is discussing processes in detail and would be your guide to develop automation the Dynamics 365 CE application. You will be learning the basics of automaton in Dynamics 365 CRM, the tools used for automation and how to implementing each of them.


Automation is the process of automating repetitive tasks and complex business processes so that lesser manual intervention is required and achieve better ROI and accuracy of the process.

Use you can implement automation in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement using Out of the Box (OOB) tools such workflows, dialogs, business processes and actions.

4 Processes Types:

Processes in Dynamics 365 CE can be broadly classified into 4 as given below.

  1. Workflows

  2. Dialogs

  3. Sprawy biznesowe

  4. Actions


  • What is Automation

  • Understanding processes and process types

  • Understanding workflows

  • Creating Synchronous and Asynchronous workflows

  • Business Process Flows

  • Creating events using Actions

  • Solution Management


This course is for Dynamics 365 CRM developers and administrators who want to sharpen their development skills using automation in Dynamics 365 CRM/CE application.

  • Dynamika 365 CRM developer

  • .NET Programmers who want to switch.

  • IT Managers

  • Administratorzy

  • Architekci oprogramowania


• Dynamika 365 zapewnia niesamowitą możliwość pracy. Na rynku potrzeba więcej programistów niż konsultantów funkcjonalnych i administratorów. 1:5 Stosunek Konsultanta funkcjonalnego do programistów

• Średnia wypłata $80,000 do $120,000 przez rok dla doświadczonych 5-10 wieloletni deweloper.


Ten kurs obejmuje 7 sesje i 50+ rozdziały. Oto 8 sesje zawiera w Dynamics 365 TEN + Kurs dla programistów PowerApps dla początkujących.

Sekcja 1 – Przegląd kursu

Sekcja 2 – Understanding Processes

Sekcja 3 – Implementing Workflows

Sekcja 4 – Implementing Business Rules

Sekcja 5 – Business Process Flows

Sekcja 6 – Building Actions using Actions

Sekcja 7 – Solution Management


  • Basic customization knowledge on Dynamics 365 CRM

  • Understanding of Sales, Customer service functionality.

  • Wysoce zalecane: Dynamika 365 CRM + PowerApps developer Course Part 1 and Part 2.

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