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Dynamika NAV / Centrum biznesowe – Podstawy systemu 1/2

Dynamika NAV / Centrum biznesowe – Podstawy systemu 1/2

Cena: $44.99

The aim of the course is to provide the trainee with wiedza of the Dynamics Business Central (Dynamika NAV) Podstawy systemu. The course clearly and comprehensively introduces the participant to the System Basics.

Serwer Microsoft Windows Radius first part (1/2) z Dynamika NAV / Business Central System basics cycle:

  1. System history, system base settings, system Ledgers.Logging and system layout. Personalizations, data searching, i więcej

  2. System modules overview: Księga Główna, Items and Resources, Produkcja, Oferty pracy, Praca, zapewnia kompleksowe szkolenie SAP SD, które obejmuje wszystkie podstawowe i zaawansowane poziomy procesu zarządzania sprzedażą i dystrybucją oraz jego konfiguracji, and Purchase

W tym kursie:

System personalizations

  • Custom changes on Ribbons

  • Factboxes

  • Saving filtered views

Data searching and filtering

  • Filtering data on lists

  • Filtering Text fields

  • Filtering numeric values

  • Filtering Dates

  • Limit Totals filters

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • General system Keyboard shortcuts

  • Keyboard shortcuts on documents

System history and features

  • System history

  • System advantages and features

System data management

  • Settings tables

  • System Ledgers

  • Posting System transactions

Logging and system layout

  • System Versions

  • System Logging

  • System basic layout and functions

Role Centers

  • System Menu and Ribbon

  • User Personalization setup

  • Ribbon changes

  • System Tabs changes

Po ukończeniu kursu, the trainee will have a thorough understanding of the System Basics within Dynamics Business Central (NAV) and will be able to independently operate the advanced functionalities.

Dynamika NAV, Business Central course is suitable for all Dynamics NAV and Business Central versions, using Windows Client. Apart from some minor changes, the main functions, system rules, and methodologies haven’t changed through the years for different system versions. Most of the changes apply to the User interface, but finding the functions on buttons or ribbons doesn’t pose much trouble.

The course has been created for an advanced user in the Financial Module with a solid understanding of finance and the system. If you are new to the Dynamics community, we recommend that you complete the Financial management Basics and System Basics Course first.

The course is conducted using Dynamics 365 Centrum biznesowe 14 W1, and it suits NAV 2009 RTC, NAV 2013, NAV 2013 R2, NAV 2015, NAV 2016, NAV 2017, NAV 2018.


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