Expert Series Vol 1: All Experts Are Liars
Cena: $94.99
A lot of accelerated learners are focused on the wrong things.
Szybkie czytanie.
Note taking.
I’m not saying these aren’t worth learning about, but they are missing one of the biggest components:
How you source your information.
A Chef always makes sure they are use the best ingredients.
And you should have the same high standards when you are choosing who you are going to learn from.
Problemem jest, there are way too many options for most of us to filter through.
And even when we cull the herd, there are still many experts, all claiming to be the best in the world, and no objective way to measure or compare them.
In sports, it’s easy to compare people. (or at least, łatwiej).
But when it comes to expertise in the subjects that will help grow our businesses or further our careers, there is a big problem.
There is no one good way to figure out who is the best expert to learn from.
You can be the fastest reader, the best note taker, the most gifted memory champion, but if you are starting with low quality learning materials, you are going to spend a lot of time going very fast either in circles, or in the wrong direction.
Here’s the UGLY TRUTH.
There is no one perfect way to measure expertise.
So if you are coming here for a silver bullet…sorry to disappoint.
Zamiast, this course is going to teach you the best heuristics out there to measure and evaluate experts in your chosen domain.
This course is about putting you in the drivers seat in your education so that you have a lot more control over who YOU deem the expert to be.
Based on your own careful analysis, you will be able to decide on your own which experts to invest your valuable time and money in.
At a certain point in your learning, you have to move beyond reading just the popular books that you see on the best sellers list or in a magazine.
You have to be able to find those diamonds in the rough who can take the to the next level of your learning journey.
Nie zrozum mnie źle, there a lots of great experts who are also commercially successful, but it’s a thin line to walk and many domains are littered with fake experts who are very commercially successful.
This course will give you the tools to differentiate experts and help you find the experts who will take you to the top.
Do zobaczenia na kursie,
Każdy z kursów/sekcji w tym mega kursie, który pojawia się po zrobieniu notatek, powinien być widoczny w tej ramce
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