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Five Skills for Making and Keeping Adult Friendships

Five Skills for Making and Keeping Adult Friendships

Cena: $59.99

In this online, self-paced course, Gina Handley Schmitt, MAMA, LMHC, will present 5 umiejętności, that when used together, offer us the best chance for increasingly healthy and fulfilling friendships.

Learn to be available, the skill of “showing-up” for our friends, which is the foundation of friendship. Learn to be authentic, the skill of fostering deep connections with our friends, which allows us to commit to mutual honesty and vulnerability. Learn to be affirming, the skill that ensures that our friendships ultimately become safe and encouraging spaces. Learn to be assertive, the skill that ensures that we are getting what we need from our friendships, while also serving to protect and preserve them. W końcu, learn to be accepting, the skill which helps us recognize the potential in new friendships, while also assisting us in offering our existing friends more grace, within the context of our potential differences.

Life is better with good friends by our side!


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