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Fundamentals of Digital Transformation & Customer Experiance

Fundamentals of Digital Transformation & Customer Experiance

Cena: $89.99

Transformacja cyfrowa to gorący temat–but what exactly is it and what does it mean for companies and as a software developer what does digital transformation and customer experience means to you?

W tym kursie, we talk about Digital transformation, Customer experiences and Industry 4.0 technology trends like Bigdata , Robotyka Arduino, blockchain, Chmura obliczeniowa, Dane.

Programowanie w C++ na przykładzie, będziesz w stanie:

Describe the underlying economics of innovation, technologia, and market disruptions

Weigh the pros and cons of current digital technologies Trends

Learn how Customer experience drive digital transformation

Digital transformation challenges

Roots of digital transformation and where it is heading to in the future.

Have knowledge about real cases from different industries to show you how industries are evolving with the changes.

You will learn how to overcome the challenges of digital transformation projects.

This course is useful for Software engineer, Deweloperzy , IT Architect, Test managers and C level managers in charge of digital transformation within their organization or program / project managers who will manage digital transformation projects. Senior managers also can benefit this course if the company will have the transition under their supervision. This course is also suitable for pioneers who want to start a digital transformation in a certain area within their company. This is a beginners level course and you don’t need any preliminary knowledge to take this course.


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