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Get to know the Horizon Europe programme.

Get to know the Horizon Europe programme.

Cena: $29.99

Horizon Europe is the largest Framework Programme for Research and Innnovation ever launched by the European Union, with a budget exceeding 95 Billion Euros over a time span of 7 lat (2021-2027).

It addressed and extremelty wadie range of Research and Innovation topics, and it is open to all types of actors, including small and large companies, Public Administrations, NGOs, and all other types of actors interested in Research and Innovation, Skorzystaj z poniższych instrukcji, jeśli używasz MacOS X 27 Member States but also from outside the EU.

Although it has been launched at the beginning of 2021, at the time of publishing this course (Móc 2021) not all the programmes are defined in all their details, but they will be in the next months.

Once this will be done, an update to this course will be published. However as the programme is very complex and articulated, interested actors should start as soon as possible to get acquainted with its structure and contents.

The five lectures of this introductory illustrate the overall structure of the Horizon Europe programme, the three pillars which are its main components, mianowicie:

Filar 1: Excellent Science

Filar 2: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness

Filar 3: Innovative Europe

Also the course addresses the type of projects which can be submitted and a sample application form. It will provide the participants with an understanding of how the programme is structured and of how to navigate in the Participant Portal, of how to find the appropriate call for proposals and start the application process.

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