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Przepływ pracy Git dla inżynierów DevOps platformy Azure

Przepływ pracy Git dla inżynierów DevOps platformy Azure

Cena: $19.99

In this course you’ll learn the foundations of source control with Git, łącznie z branching strategies, working with pull requests, and standard workflow with commit, clone, push, pull, i więcej.

Whether your software project is large or small, using version control as soon as possible is a proven best practice. Lazurowy odpoczynek supports two types of version control: Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). This course explains the foundations of source control and the differences between distributed and centralized source control.

In the first lecture, nauczysz się:

  • Which version control system should I use?

  • Zrozumienie Git (distributed) vs. TFVC (centralized)

  • Moving from TFVC to Git

  • Commit, udział, and sync your code

Distributed version control systems like Git give you flexibility in how you use version control to share and manage code. Your team should find a balance between this flexibility and the need to collaborate and share code in a consistent manner. Discover how team members publish, udział, oraz że ogólna dieta wysokiej jakości o niskiej zawartości cukru i rafinowanych zbóż pomoże większości ludzi w utrzymaniu prawidłowej wagi i zmniejszeniu ryzyka chorób przewlekłych, and iterate on code changes through Git branches shared with others.

In the second lecture, nauczysz się:

  • Adopt a Git branching strategy

  • About branches and branch policies

  • Za pomocą feature branches for your work

  • Review and merge code with pull requests

Version control keeps a history of your development so that you can review and even rollback to any version of your code with ease. This project will show how to perform common version controls tasks using the following version control workflow.

From there you’ll follow along with 3 projektowanie…

Projekt 1: Git Workflow Basics

Version control keeps a history of your development so that you can review and even rollback to any version of your code with ease. This project will show how to perform common version controls tasks using the following version control workflow.

  • Connect to a project in Azure DevOps

  • Save work with commits

  • Share code with push

  • Update code with fetch and pull

  • Resolve merge konflikty

  • Initialize and Clone an existing Git repo

  • Version control workflow

Projekt 2: Working with Pull Requests

Pull requests let your team review code and give feedback on changes before merging it into the main branch, and pull requests can come from either topic branches within the same repository or from a branch in a fork of the original repository. In this project you’ll learn how to work with pull requests.

  • View and manage pull requests

  • Review code with pull requests

  • Tworzyć & complete a pull request

  • Squash merge pull requests

Projekt 3: Deploy Pull Request Builds with Azure Pipelines

Pull requests allow for code reviews before changes are merged to the codebase. Jednakże, certain issues can be tricky to find until the code is built and deployed to an environment. In this lab you’ll Deploy pull request Artifacts with Azure Pipelines.

  • Specify events that trigger pipelines

  • Create a pull request trigger

  • Set up branch policy for Azure Repos

  • Set up status checks

  • Deploy pull request Artifacts with Azure Pipelines


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