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Jak zbudować program ochrony prywatności dla swojej organizacji

Jak zbudować program ochrony prywatności dla swojej organizacji

Cena: $49.99

Welcome to How to Build a Privacy Program for your Organization!

⇉ Obejrzyj film promocyjny to learn why you should enroll in this course

⇉ A Quiz comprising 20 questions to apply what you have learned

⇉ An Assignment to apply the concepts from the Course

This course is designed to provide a high level introduction to Privacy program management. Since the enactment of the General Data Protection Regulation, there have been GDPR inspired laws that have been passed such as the California Consumer Privacy Act and the Brazilian Data Protection Law. Compliance with the privacy laws and regulations requires organizations to set up a Privacy Program and employ Privacy Program Managers to manage the program and the associated activities.

It will be useful for anyone who would want to know about Privacy program management including the 5 building blocks of a Privacy Program.

What You Will Learn In this Course:

  • What is a Privacy Program

  • The Importance of a Privacy Program

  • The building blocks for a Privacy Program

Once you have completed the course, please take the quiz to test your knowledge and apply what you have learned.

Dowiesz się również, jak cieszyć się sukcesem w całości:

This Course is taught by Rita Mutyaba who has more than 5 lat’ experience working in the Privacy field including developing privacy processes, drafting privacy documentation, performing privacy impact assessments, identifying key performance indicators, and creating training materials. She has also earned the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) CIPP/E, CIPP/US, oraz CIPM Privacy Certifications.

Please note that the contents of this course do not constitute legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact your Data Protection Officer or privacy counsels.


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