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Jak awansować w pracy – przewodnik krok po kroku

Jak awansować w pracy – przewodnik krok po kroku

Cena: $99.99

Do you want to get promoted at work?

Do you see others getting promoted and you’re wondering what is it that they’re doing that you’re not?

Are you keen to increase your salary and rise up through the ranks?

This course is a step by step guide to getting promoted. Whether you work in a Global 500 organisation, a law firm, a bank, an accountancy firm, a small listed organisation, Więc tylko wtedy, gdy twój mózg został naładowany. If you work in any kind of professional environment and want to know what to do to move up, Hurtownia danych i Business Intelligence dla menedżerów.

I’m a partner at one of the Big 4 global accounting and consulting firms. mam ponad 20 years experience in professional services and work with some of the world’s top organisations. I’ve worked my way up through the hierarchy, consistently getting promoted ahead of my peers and I’ve helped hundreds of other people do the same. I’ve successfully doubled my salary every four years and continue to reap the rewards of following my promotion process.

I’ve now decided to distill all that I’ve learnt about the promotion process into one, ten kurs da ci narzędzia potrzebne do zdobycia lepszej pozycji w obecnej pracy, kurs. Because it is a process! Getting promoted is a skill in it’s own right and you can learn that skill. You don’t have to be the best at what you do. You don’t have to be the best connected or the most highly regarded in your team. You just need to follow my step by step process.

Over the years I’ve seen thousands of people get promoted, including lots of really mediocre candidates. And I’ve seen great, bright, talented people not get promoted, because they didn’t understand the process. And that’s how I’ve realised that getting promoted is a skilljust like project management or using Excelit can be learnt.

This course contains everything you need. Włącznie z:

  • The tools to use to develop your promotion case

  • The techniques to follow to get senior people on your side

  • The common pitfalls to avoid

  • And lots of hints and tips to overcome any obstacles

At the end of this course you will have everything you need to:

  • Plan out your promotion process

  • Develop all the content required

  • Be fully prepared for any eventuality

  • Confidently make your case

  • Pass the interview process

Everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed in life. Get a competitive advantage. Irrespective of the level you are currently operating at, this is you’re opportunity to achieve your dreams and get promoted at work.

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