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How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube For Beginners Start To Finish

How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube For Beginners Start To Finish

Cena: $84.99

Welcome To Our How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube For Beginners Course!

Within just 1.5 godziny, you’ll have all of the knowledge required to solve your own 3×3 Rubiks Cube from ANY random scrambled order.

This Course Starts From The Very Beginning Of How To Solve A Rubiks Cube For The First Time! Także, Included Is A .PDF Document Reference Guide That Shows You Step By Step Exactly How To Solve A Completely Randomly Scrambled Rubiks Cube!

Na tym kursie nauczysz się:

  • How To Solve A 3×3 Rubiks Cube

  • How To Distinguish Between The Sides Of A Rubiks Cube

  • The Patterns And Algorithms Involved

  • Ways To Breakdown The Patterns and Algorithms To Remember Them Easier

  • The Overall Step-By-Step Process In Completing A 3×3 Rubiks Cube

Your Instructor for this course is Will Bartlett. After spending several weeks learning how to solve a Rubiks Cube, he developed ways to remember the algorithms by breaking down each one into smaller patterns; in this course your instructor will outline these patterns and teach you his methods, as well as how he remembers each algorithm, resulting in a fast tracked learning experience.

If you don’t have a Rubiks Cube, you can still follow along by remembering the algorithms and various stages/patterns required to solve the Cube.

Thanks for checking this course out!


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