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Jak efektywnie uczyć się metodą Agile Self-Learning

Jak efektywnie uczyć się metodą Agile Self-Learning

Cena: $19.99

Are you under pressure to stay up to date in a fast-paced industry?

Do you have a desire to gain more knowledge to get ahead in your career or hobby?

Do you want to really get the most out of any precious study time you have?

Wiem zrozumiesz, dlaczego ważne jest poznawanie i ćwiczenie technik relaksacyjnych how you feel.

I’m Steve Lydford, the creator of the Agile Self-Learning method. As a completely self-taught software developer with over 20 years of professional experience, I have spent more than two decades of almost constant study to keep up to date and get ahead in an incredibly fast-paced industry.

After a lot of mistakes and wasted effort in the early years, I started to really think about not only Co ale również zrozumiesz, dlaczego ważne jest poznawanie i ćwiczenie technik relaksacyjnych I was learning. This eventually led to me researching, creating and refining the Agile Self-Learning method in order to help keep my own self-directed study stay focussed, organised and efficient.

Programowanie w C++ na przykładzie, you will be able to take the study skills, narzędzia, techniques and strategies that make up this comprehensive study method and apply them to your self-learning to really maximise the quality and effectiveness of your own precious study time uczyć się what you need to know when you need to know it oraz, ważne, retain that knowledge.

During the course I’ll not only cover the specific practices and learning strategies that combine to make up the Agile Self-Learning method but also take a look at how to:

  • select the perfect study materials

  • minimise different types of distraction

  • deal with problems of motivation and procrastination

  • fit your self-study around work, family and other commitments

  • recognise the three stages of skill acquisition

  • posługiwać się Kanban to organise your learning and visualise your progress

  • convert study into real skills oraz retained knowledge

You’ll also learn how you can set up the perfect self-study environment wherever you are.

I don’t just tell you what to do, I show you how to do it! This course includes examples that show you exactly how I use the Agile Self-Learning method to learn new skills and retain them faster and more effectively than I ever thought possible.

We all lead busy lives with increasing demands on our time which can really impact on our own studies, so I designed this course for any frustrated self-learner who wants to gain new skills and knowledge but struggles to organise, focus and get the most out any valuable study time they have.

Thank you for taking a moment to check out my course. I know you will love it! There is absolutely no risk to sign up. Get a 100% refund in the next 30 days if you don’t like the course.

Click the ‘Enrol nowbutton above to transform your self-learning study skills and achieve your goals!


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