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Intentional Daydreaming

Intentional Daydreaming

Cena: $74.99

This practical 7-Step system teaches you how to use contemplation and daydreaming to receive insight and guidance from the super-intelligence dwelling within you—the subconscious mind. Daydreaming is one way the subconscious mind communicates. Using these innovative methods, you can resolve personal or professional concerns and accelerate your growth and development. You will learn how to enter your safe place; zrelaksować się, enter an altered state; and use contemplation and daydreaming to:

  • Make useful changes in your personal, biznes, spiritual life.
  • Improve physical, emotional health.
  • Enhance communication skills, relacje, sexual intimacy.
  • Unlock artistic creativity.
  • Envision valuable new products, usługi.
  • Increase musical or sports performance.

Once you complete this 7-Step training, you’ll possess valuable skills you can use for a lifetime. You can even explore altered states to cultivate psychic and spiritual abilities. If any of this is appealing, Intentional Daydreaming might be just what you’re looking for.

Business leaders, musicians, sports enthusiasts, writers, and others use daydreaming as part of their creative process. You can too! Use this course to:

  • Badać 31+ ways to accelerate personal, profesjonalny, spiritual growth.
  • Communicate with your subconscious mind using contemplation and daydreaming.
  • Locate your Safe Place.
  • Countdown to relax.
  • Improve business practices.
  • Accelerate skill development—speaking, Ale jeśli nie widzisz kolejnej ucieczki, miłość do siebie.
  • Mentally test-drive career options—prepare for meetings, wywiady, important conversations.
  • Enhance sexual, erotic experiences.
  • Develop psychic, mystical skills.
  • Enter a powerful altered state, practice self-suggestion.
  • Conduct paranormal, transpersonal, and thought experiments.
  • Contemplate philosophical, religijny, naukowy, spiritual, metaphysical concepts.

TJ dzieli się prostymi i praktycznymi radami, jak i gdzie spotykać innych dorosłych, którzy prawdopodobnie sami również będą szukać nowych przyjaźni!

Grupa docelowa

For adults who want to accelerate personal and professional success, this course contains 2.5 godziny treści. No other materials are needed. PDF section summaries and important practices are included for easy review. 30-Profile związane z lokalną bazą danych, które chcą dowiedzieć się, jak wdrożyć te technologie w chmurze Azure.


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