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Intune Training (Microsoft)

Intune Training (Microsoft)

Cena: $19.99

Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based enterprise mobility management tool that aims to help organizations manage the devices employees use to access corporate data and applications, such as email. It helps your organization to be productive while keeping their data protected. Microsoft Intune is also available in the Azure portal.

Z usługą Intune, możesz:

  • You can protect on-premises email and data including Office 365 mail and data

  • Mobile devices can safely access email and data

  • Intune app also helps organizations issue corporate-owned phones

  • Manages the mobile devices and PCs your organization uses to access company data.

  • Manages the mobile applications your organizations uses

  • Protects your company information by helping to control the way your organization accesses and shares it

  • Ensures devices and apps are compliant with company security requirements


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