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ISO/IEC 27001 Security Guidelines for Organizational Users

ISO/IEC 27001 Security Guidelines for Organizational Users

Cena: $19.99

This Course starts with a brief discussion on recent Security incidents that have occurred globally, will give an idea how these attacks are unfolded and how exactly a User lands himself in various scenarios leading to Account /Data / Asset or Process compromise.

This Course is built on the skeleton of ISO/IEC -27001 Information Security Management System framework which constitutes of various process for Data Protection, Zarządzanie aktywami, Physical Access and Business Continuity Protocols.

This Course is designed for the Organizational Users (TO & Non-IT Employees) working from Office, Remotely working from Home & Employees working through various locations who may be constantly on move as a part of their duties. This course provides Security Guidelines to protect the Company Data, Konta & Credentials and Physical Assets which they use to access Company Data and Resources.

Upon successful completion, the Users will be more aware of how to use Company resources like Email, Laptop, Company Data etc. and avoid falling prey to various Security Attack and compromises.

This course can be also treated as Human Resources Training that can be offered to New joiners during the Induction to make them aware of the Company security Policies and make them aware of the ISO 27001 ISMS Framework guidelines.

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