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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management Training

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management Training

Cena: $124.99

Procurement Management assumes a very crucial function in any organization. Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne contains multiple solutions for Enterprise and Procurement Management is one of the important components of distribution solution.

This course primarily focused on all functionalities of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management and is applicable to JD Edwards WorldSoft too (except for navigation, which may be different).

Training covers Basic setups, Advanced Setups, Transactions processing from Purchase Requisition to Quote Orders to Blanket Orders to Purchase Orders, right up to Voucher Match. Training also educates on integration touchpoints that Procurement Management has with other JD Edwards systems viz. Capital Assets Management, Manufacturing Management, Sales Order Management, Advanced Warehouse Management.

During the later part of course, few important functionalities are covered for enhancing efficiencies of Procurement Management, which includes Supplier Catalogues, Order Template processing, Routing pokwitowań, Landed Cost Processing as well as Purchase Order Workbench and Purchase Order Generator.

High-level Objectives of the course are:

Programowanie w C++ na przykładzie, Zwiększ jasność:

· Describe the procure to pay process flow.

· Determine product and supplier information.

· Process purchase orders.

· Set up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

· Perform procurement functions.

· Define approval process.

· Use advanced procurement features.

· Track supplier information

· Explain system integration.

· Analyze inquiries and reports.


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