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Leadership Microsoft Excel skills for business

Leadership Microsoft Excel skills for business

Cena: $24.99

Do you want to learn excel quickly and gain the confidence that practical experience provides? To jest kurs dla Ciebie!

Excel is used every day across various industries for Project Management, Product Management, Finance and Trading, Presentations and Design, Na tym krótkim szkoleniu poznasz podstawy cyberbezpieczeństwa i złotą zasadę, której każdy powinien przestrzegać na poziomie indywidualnym i organizacyjnym, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo danych. In this course you will learn excel through a project based approach. What this means is you will build a vulnerability report similar to the ones Cyber security engineers use. You will design an app template like a product Management Guru, and you will create your own trade sheets for trading bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

working with project helps you understand the power of excel and helps you cut through the fat and learn what you need to be effective today. This course will touch on everything you need to start using excel in the corporate world today


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