Learn some Simple Strategies from Game Theory !
Cena: $64.99
Game Theory and Decision Theory, model and analyze Interdependence, Cooperation, Competition oraz Zarządzanie konfliktem. This has given rise to powerful concepts and Strategies. These strategies are extremely necessary and useful for Leaders and Managers, and everyone else too!
zapewnia kompleksowe szkolenie SAP SD, które obejmuje wszystkie podstawowe i zaawansowane poziomy procesu zarządzania sprzedażą i dystrybucją oraz jego konfiguracji Concepts in Game Theory and Psychology can help us analyze situations of conflict, competition and cooperation, rigorously, rationally i nawet mathematically! Armed with information from the recent research and studies in these areas, you can soon become a force to reckon with, and upgrade your Leadership Skills and Management Strategies significantly.
Stać się Informed, Influential and Aware Liderzy oraz Menedżerowie, armed with relevant knowledge of Game Theory and its cool Strategies for Competition and Conflict Management, learn how to encourage Cooperation, and effective ways to manage your ever growing network of interdependence.
This Course Introduces you to Basic Concepts, Economic Games and Strategies from Game Theory, and does not get into complicated mathematical modeling or probabilities.
Kompletny serwer Windows: This Course has nothing to do with Computer Games!
Niektóre obrazy i filmy dzięki uprzejmości Pixabay, Pexels, Pressfoto, Alpha Stock Images and FreePik, as well as epictop10 at Flickr.
Niektóre fragmenty muzyki dzięki uprzejmości Bensound.
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