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LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions – Adobe Premiere Pro

Jeśli szukasz LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions for Adobe Premiere Pro, trafiłeś we właściwe miejsce. W tym poście na blogu, I will share with you some of the most common and relevant questions and answers that you may encounter in the LinkedIn skill assessment test for Adobe PremierPro.

These questions and answers are based on the latest version of the software and cover topics such as editing, efekty, przejścia, audio, tytuły, i więcej. Czytając ten wpis na blogu, you will be able to prepare yourself for the test and boost your chances of passing it with flying colors. Więc, bez ceregieli, let’s dive into the LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions for Adobe Premiere Pro.

Q1. You open a nested sequence to trim the length of a clip. You make the total duration of the clips longer. What happens to the duration of the nest in the main sequence?

  • Publiczne przemówienie, the nest duration remains the same in the original sequence.
  • The duration of the nest changes and an overwrite edit pushes the remaining clips to make room.
  • The clips change speed to match the duration of the nest.
  • The duration of the nest changes and a ripple edit pushes the remaining clips to make room.

Q2. What is a good reason to use a nested sequence?

  • Nesting improves playback performance.
  • Nesting makes it easier to reduce clutter in the Project panel, saving time and potentially project budget.
  • Nesting allows a single effect to be applied to everything that is inside the nest, like a color correction or a video limiter.
  • Nesting helps Adobe Premiere Pro render faster.

Q3. What happens on your hard drive when you create a subclip?

  • Publiczne przemówienie, since a subclip does not create a new media file on your hard drive.
  • A pointer file is created on your hard drive.
  • A new master clip is created on your hard drive and added to the project.
  • A new media file is created next to the original media.

Q4. Which statement is fałszywy regarding exporting media from Adobe Premiere Pro?

  • Adobe Premiere can directly export files.
  • You can encode sequences into one or more formats with Adobe Media Encoder.
  • While using Adobe Media Encoder, you can keep working on the same sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • When you click Export, Adobe Premiere Pro will encode the file in the background and let you continue editing.

Q5. While working in Premiere Pro, how can you quickly create a new After Effects composition with settings that match the current sequence?

  • Select File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import After Effects Composition.
  • Import a project from After Effects and choose Match project size when importing.
  • Select File > Adobe Dynamic Link > New After Effects Composition.
  • Switch to After Effects and manually set up the project for accuracy.

Q6. Which is NOT a tag available in the Essential Sound panel?

  • Narration
  • SFX
  • Ambience
  • Muzyka

Q7. HSL secondary color correction allows you to adjust which of the following? (Select three items.)

A. Clarity
B. Contrast
C. Saturation
D. Temperature
E. Blur
  • b, C, D
  • A, b, C
  • b, D, mi
  • A, C, mi

Q8. What is the only panel in which the Rate Stretch tool can modify a clip?

  • Program Monitor panel
  • Source Monitor panel
  • Timeline panel
  • Media Browser panel

Pytanie 9. What can you do to make the shape layer automatically adjust its size as the text layer changes?


  • Select the Mask with Shape option.
  • Select Responsive Design and Pin To the text layer.
  • Select Responsive Design and Pin To the Video Frame.
  • Use the Align and Transform controls.

Pytanie 10. In which panel do you assemble media to create a sequence?

  • Timeline panel
  • Media Browser panel
  • Capture panel
  • Source Monitor panel

Pytanie 11. Which panel allows you to modify video effects after they have been applied to a clip?

  • Effects panel
  • Timeline panel
  • Source Monitor panel
  • Effect Controls panel

Pytanie 12. Suppose your clips link to media files stored in multiple locations. You want to have the media files in a single location in their current format. Which option should you choose in the Project Manager?

  • Exclude Unused Clips
  • Consolidate and Transcode
  • Collect Files and Copy to New Location
  • Create New Trimmed Project

Pytanie 13. What is the default video transition in Adobe Premiere Pro?

  • film dissolve
  • additive dissolve
  • cross dissolve
  • impact dissolve

Pytanie 14. Which term describes the algorithm that is used to encode and decode a video file?

  • Ten moduł przygotuje Cię do rozpoczęcia nauki Big Data w chmurze Azure przy użyciu usługi HDInsight
  • format
  • compressor
  • codec

Pytanie 15. You want to save a short portion of a longer clip for easy access. How can you do this?


  • In the Media Browser, mark in and out points on a clip, and then import.
  • Mark in and out points on the clip in the Program Monitor and select choose Clip > Make Subclip.
  • Mark in and out points on a clip in the Timeline panel and then drag it back into a bin.
  • Mark in and out points on the clip in the Source Monitor and select Clip > Make Subclip.

Pytanie 16. What adjustment can help return edge detail to video footage?

  • Intensity
  • Kontrast
  • Sharpen
  • Przejrzystość

Pytanie 17. Where can you adjust the duration of a transition?

  • Effects panel
  • Project panel
  • Effect Controls panel
  • Program Monitor panel

Pytanie 18. You are working on a new project and have been editing for two hours. What is the number of backup projects you would expect to find?


  • 2
  • 12
  • 20
  • 24

Pytanie 19. Which panel would you use to browse and import assets for maximum compatibility with Premiere Pro?

  • Biblioteka
  • Efekty
  • Projekt
  • Media Browser


Q20. A transition is set to center aligned. What would be the result of dragging with the tool selected, to the right?


  • The transition would slide to the right.
  • You would extend only the right side of the transition.
  • You would perform a ripple edit and extend the duration of the first clip.
  • The transition would grow on both sides.

Pytanie 21. Which application does NOT support Dynamic Link?

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe PremierPro
  • Adobe Audition
  • Adobe After Effects

Pytanie 22. Which preference pane includes the Video Transition Default Duration and Audio Transition Default Duration?

  • Głoska bezdźwięczna
  • Playback
  • Ogólny
  • Oś czasu

Pytanie 23. If an effect has a star next to its icon, what type of effect is it?

  • audio
  • szablon
  • Transition
  • preset

Pytanie 24. How was this clip manipulated using a Curve adjustment?


  • Hue vs. Luma
  • Saturation vs. Saturation
  • Hue vs. Saturation
  • Luma vs. Saturation

Pytanie 25. Where is transparency data stored when compositing media?

  • Essential Graphics panel
  • Effects panel
  • alpha channel
  • assembly edit

Pytanie 26. When part of your footage is transparent, where is the transparency information stored in the file?

  • source monitor
  • alpha channel
  • opacity effect
  • alpha effect

Pytanie 27. Which option allows you to reuse previously created render files for an export?

  • Use Previews
  • Use Frame Blending
  • Use Maximum Render Quality
  • Match Sequence Settings

Pytanie 28. In the scenario shown below, you want to extend the end of the red clip in the Timeline and not change the duration of the adjacent clip. Which is the most appropriate trim choice to accomplish this?


  • Trim In
  • Trim Out
  • Ripple Trim In
  • Ripple Trim Out

Pytanie 29. Which formats does Adobe Media Encoder support? (Select three items.)

C. QuickTime
  • A, b, C
  • A, C, mi
  • b, C, D
  • b, D, mi

Q30. Which video file format can you export with Adobe Media Encoder? (Select three items.)

C. Animated GIF
E. M4A
  • A, b, C
  • A, C, mi
  • b, C, D
  • b, D, mi

Pytanie 31. If you have placed a GPU-accelerated effect on a clip in the Timeline and have not rendered it, what color appears at the top of your Timeline?

  • czerwony
  • niebieski
  • żółty
  • Zielony

Pytanie 32. Which statement is true about the Appearance preferences?

  • The default brightness is the halfway position between darker and lighter.
  • You can set the top bar of windows to a custom accent color.
  • You can adjust the intensity of the Focus Indicator to help easily identify which window is active.
  • You can change the highlight color.

Pytanie 33. What can you tell about this transition?


  • Premiere will insert white to fill the needed handles.
  • Premiere will insert black to fill the needed handles.
  • There is not enough media (handles) to cover the duration of the transition.
  • The transition is automatically shortened to use only the available media and the area under the diagonal lines will have no transitions applied.

Pytanie 34. Your project has several sequences that are no longer needed. How would you use the Project Manager to produce a new version of the project that excludes the unwanted sequences?

  • Deselect the unwanted sequences in the Sequence area.
  • Select Create New Trimmed Project.
  • Select Consolidate and Transcode.
  • Choose Collect Files and Copy to New Location.

Pytanie 35. You want to take a partial clip that’s used in your Timeline and send it to After Effects for additional processing using Dynamic Link. Which method best accomplishes this?

  • Select the clip in the Timeline and choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import After Effects Composition.
  • Select the clip in the Timeline and choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Replace with After Effects Composition.
  • Select the clip in the Timeline and choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > New After Effects Composition.
  • Select the clip in the Timeline and choose Edit > Kopiuj. Switch to After Effects and choose Edit > Pasta.

Pytanie 36. You want to pull down the saturation in just the clouds shown below. Which Curve adjustment makes this easiest?


  • Hue vs. Saturation
  • RGB Curves
  • Luma vs. Saturation
  • Hue vs. Luma

Pytanie 37. Which is a new graphic layer type? (Select three items.)

A. Logo
B. Text
C. Rectangle
D. Circle
E. Ellipse
  • A, b, C
  • A, C, mi
  • b, C, mi
  • b, D, mi

Pytanie 38. Which option can create a color field that automatically adjusts size as you add or subtract from a text layer?


  • Choose Fill from the Appearance controls.
  • Choose Stroke from the Appearance controls.
  • Choose Background from the Appearance controls.
  • Choose Shadow from the Appearance controls.

Pytanie 39. If you want to lighten just the darkest areas of an image, which slider should you adjust in the Lumetri effect?

  • Shadows
  • Kontrast
  • Midtones
  • Blacks

Q40. Looking at the histogram below, which single adjustment slider could create this change?


  • Blacks
  • Kontrast
  • Whites
  • Exposure

Pytanie 41. Under which drop-down menu can you remove effects?

Pytanie 42. Which adjustment can you use to quickly convert log footage using recommended settings by a camera manufacturer?

  • Creative Look
  • Faded Film
  • Input LUT
  • Intensity

Pytanie 43. Which Audio Mixer automation mode allows automation to return to the previous state after any adjustments are made?

  • Touch
  • Zatrzask
  • Pisać
  • Czytać,affects%20the%20entire%20track%20uniformly.

Pytanie 44. You want Premiere Pro to create a second instance of your media files and add a version at a draft resolution. Which option works best in the ingest settings?

  • Transcode
  • Copy and Create Proxies
  • Create Proxies
  • Kopiuj

Pytanie 45. If you’ve imported several time-lapse sequences into your project as image sequences, which option in the Project Manager is most useful for archiving the project?

  • Convert Image Sequences to Clips
  • Convert After Effects Compositions to Clips
  • Include Preview Files
  • Consolidate and Transcode

Pytanie 46. Which option is enabled to affect the view of the audio waveforms as shown below?


  • Show Audio Time Units
  • Rectified Audio Waveform
  • Large Audio Waveforms
  • Logarithmic Keyframe Scaling

Pytanie 47. You want to float the History panel independently to position it on another monitor as a floating window. Which option in the panel’s sub-menu should you select?

  • Undock Panel
  • Undock Frame
  • Maximize Panel
  • Maximize Frame

Pytanie 48. To quickly arrange the panels in Adobe Premiere Pro for a specific task, what do you use?

  • obszary robocze
  • layouts
  • panel presets
  • Zgodnie z brazylijskim prawem każdy basen publiczny o określonej wielkości musi mieć ratowników

Pytanie 49. Which statement is true about adaptive audio tracks?

  • Input channel configuration determines channel routing
  • Adaptive tracks are unable to be routed to master track outputs
  • Channel routing is based on master track configuration
  • Adaptive tracks can only be routed using the Audio Mixer

Q50. When adjusting a sequence’s settings, selecting the Maximum Bit Depth in Adobe Premiere Pro for the video settings option is equivalent to which setting?

  • 4:0:0
  • 4:4:4
  • 4:2:2
  • 4:2:0

Pytanie51. If your project has elements from an AEP file inside, what should you do to ensure that the project is recognized by the Project Manager?

  • Choose the Convert After Effects Compositions to Clips option
  • Usd the Render and Replace option
  • Switch to After Effects first and choose the Render and Replace option
  • Choose Consolidate and Transcode

Pytanie52. Which visual transition fades the end of one clip into the beginning of the next clip?

  • fade in
  • fade out
  • crossfade
  • cross dissolve

Pytanie53. Which file formats can be imported into an Adobe Premiere Pro project? (Select three items.)

  • A, C, mi
  • A, b, C
  • b, D, mi
  • b, C, D

Pytanie54. After importing items into your project, where do they appear?

  • Project panel
  • Program Monitor panel
  • Source Monitor panel
  • Media Browser panel

Pytanie55. Suppose you want to darken just the sky area in the image shown. Which Curve adjustment makes this easiest?


  • Hue vs. Luma
  • Hue vs. Hue
  • Luma vs. Saturation
  • Hue vs. Saturation

Pytanie56. Which bitrate encoding option yields the best balance of quality to file size, but takes longer to encode?

  • VBR, 1 Przechodzić
  • VBR, 2 Przechodzić
  • Sprawimy, że Twój dźwięk będzie brzmiał niesamowicie, a wideo będzie ostrzejsze niż kiedykolwiek
  • Use Maximum Render Quality

Pytanie57. What is true about changing the speed of a clip that has linked audio?

  • The audio is pitch-shifted to sound correct.

  • The audio changes to match the video.

  • The audio is not affected.

  • If you use the Time Remapping tool, the audio changes at the same rate.

    Q58.When exporting, Which file format creates no audio channels?

  • FLAC

  • DPX

  • HEVC

  • P2 Movie

Q59.What is true about creating dynamically linked After Effects compositions from Adobe?

Premiere Pro? (Select three Items.) A. You can media manage After Effects projects directly in Premiere Pro. b. The amount of interim render files is reduced. C. It makes color correction fast and easy. D. You can easily make changes to a clip. mi. It ensures that new After Effect composition settings are correct for a Premiere Pro sequence.

  • b, C, D
  • b, D, mi
  • A, b, C
  • A, C, mi

Q60. How many output audio tracks can an adaptive audio track be routed to?

  • 4
  • 8
  • 16
  • 32

Q61. Which tool lets you easily reposition clips on the Timeline concerning adjacent clips?

  • Slide tool
  • Rolling Edit tool
  • Ripple Edit tool
  • Slip tool

Q62. Which memory card structure format is NOT a dedicated viewing option in the Media Browser?

  • Sony DSLR
  • Canon RAW
  • Canon XF

Q63. What is NOT an option with the Remove Attributes command?

  • Efekty
  • Ruch
  • Speed
  • Opacity

Q64. Suppose you use font X from Adobe Fonts in your project. What happens when you open a project and font X is missing from the local machine?

  • A substitute is automatically chosen based on your preferences.
  • The font automatically activates as long as there is an internet connection.
  • A warning appears so you can track down the font.
  • Nothing occurs—the graphics appear correct and the font is only needed to edit them.

Q65. You have attached a hardware device for adjusting the color of your clips with touch. Where do you configure its preferences?

  • Preferences > Capture
  • Preferences > Audio Hardware
  • Preferences > zwycięzca pod względem prostoty użytkowania
  • Preferences > Control Surface

Q66. When importing an XML file, what happens to transitions that Adobe Premiere Pro determines aren’t compatible?

  • The transitions are deleted.
  • The transitions are turned into Dip to Color transitions.
  • The import fails.
  • The transitions are turned into cross dissolves.

Q67. What would happen if you dropped a transition onto this edit point?


  • You would get an End at Cut alignment.
  • You would get a Start at Cut alignment.
  • The clip is trimmed and a Center at Cut transition is applied.
  • You would get a one-frame transition.

Q68. Which export format supports the inclusion of an alpha channel?

  • MOV
  • MP4
  • MPEG 2 for DVD
  • MXF OP1a

Q69. Which user interface item identifies the current frame in the Program Monitor?

  • frame ruler
  • indicator
  • playhead
  • navigator

###Q70. When working on a complex project in Adobe Premiere Pro, you want to make sure you have a clean workspace and reduce any clutter. What feature in Premiere Pro can help you organize your workspace and manage your media efficiently?

  • Nested Sequences
  • Project Media Bins
  • Multi-Camera Editing
  • Workspaces

Q71. In Adobe Premiere Pro, what is the purpose of theWarp Stabilizer” Naucz się zmieniać tło swoich filmów za pomocą Chroma Key, and when is it commonly used?

  • To add cinematic color grading to clips.
  • To adjust the audio pitch and speed.
  • To stabilize shaky or jittery video footage.
  • To create animated text and graphics.

O Helena Bassy

utrudnisz uczenie się, a nie zapamiętywanie, I'm Helena, autor bloga, którego pasją jest publikowanie wnikliwych treści w niszy edukacyjnej. Wierzę, że edukacja jest kluczem do rozwoju osobistego i społecznego, i chcę dzielić się moją wiedzą i doświadczeniem z uczniami w każdym wieku i na każdym poziomie. Na moim blogu, znajdziesz artykuły na takie tematy, jak strategie uczenia się, Edukacja online, doradztwo zawodowe, i więcej. Chętnie przyjmę także uwagi i sugestie od moich czytelników, więc nie wahaj się zostawić komentarza lub skontaktować się ze mną w dowolnym momencie. Mam nadzieję, że czytanie mojego bloga sprawi Ci przyjemność i uznasz go za przydatny i inspirujący.

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