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Live Project Training For Developing Real-time Applications

Live Project Training For Developing Real-time Applications

Cena: $49.99

This course is made for all those people who have little knowledge of everything needed to become a Software Developer but are unable to use their programming knowledge to develop real-time applications.

W tym kursie, you will start using your programming language basics and develop enterprise-level projects like Online Shopping e-commerce stronie internetowej.

  1. You will go one step ahead in programming by segregating the code into various tiers using N-Tier Architecture, including User Registration & Login Modules.

  2. You will understand the difference between Uwierzytelnianie i autoryzacja w tym Projekt na żywo which uses two parts- Admin and User, who have different rights.

  3. This project is built using technologies like ASP.NET MVC, N-tier, Linq, and Entity Framework.


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