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Opanuj Python OOP, budując PRAWDZIWE PROJEKTY

Opanuj Python OOP, budując PRAWDZIWE PROJEKTY

Cena: $19.99

What will students learn in this course?

  • By the End of this course, you’ll have a complete understanding of Object Oriented Programming in Python

  • BUILD 3 REAL WORLD APPLICATION using the concept of OOP in Python

  • We’ll start from the basics of classes right to the advanced concepts like multi-level inheritance

  • You’ll learn how OOP gives a good design to your python code

  • Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Więc, you’ll be given a set of problems that helps you become PRO of OOP

  • Work with inheritance to reuse code, improve design, and avoid repetition

  • Use ‘selfto refer to instances. Learn how it works behind the scenes

  • Implement and call methods. Understand their purpose within classes

  • Define instance attributes and class attributes. Learn their differences

  • Understand how classes work and how you can create instances from classes.

What are the prerequisites of the course?

  • You need to be familiar with the basics of Python such as Variables, Blok i średnik, Instrukcje warunkowe, itp

  • You should have written a few basic programs in Python to understand the syntax of the language

  • Jupyter notebook is recommended but not necessary.

Who can take this course?

  • You are looking to enhance your Python skills by learning the basics of Object Oriented Programming

  • The syntax of other Niewiele zastosowań poza zakresem obliczeń numerycznych makes it difficult for you to understand the concept of OOP. (Zaufaj mi, Pyton makes it easy)

  • New developers who know the basics of Python and would like to expand their knowledge.

  • Deweloperzy oraz Uzyskiwanie dostępu do konta za pomocą protokołu przesyłania plików who want to learn how to work with Programowanie obiektowe.

  • Self-taught developers who wish to dive into the world of Programowanie obiektowe from the basics.

  • Programmers who need to refresh their knowledge on this topic.

Dlaczego warto wziąć udział w tym kursie?

Pyton is one of the most sought-after programming language. This course will teach you Object Oriented Programming, za pomocą Pyton jak programming language. You need to be familiar with the basics of Python such as Variables, Blok i średnik, itp

Poprzez uczenie się OOP using Python, you are taking your Python skills do intermediate level from where you can pursue other advanced Python modules.

With the spike in the growth of Nauka o danych, Python developers are much in demand. With the increase in a number of Python developers, it is very important to let potential employers spot you from the rest of the ‘usualPyton crowd. This is where having the knowledge of OOP becomes very important. By being able to write well-designed code in Pyton, you are giving yourself a boost to climb up the ladder of your Pyton journey.

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