Opanowanie siebie poprzez wyznaczanie celów
Cena: $44.99
This course is designed to get you to ask yourself the questions that will open your mind to the possibilities of everything inside you and the world has to offer. There are numerous activities that will provide you a path to discovering what you really want and how to get it.
Here are some questions you should ask answer for yourself if you are thinking about taking a course like this:
-Are you satisfied in life with:
-Your career?
-Your finances?
-Twój czas?
-Your relationships?
-Your accomplishments in life so far?
-Your health?
-The way you feel, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually?
-The way you look?
If you answered no to any of the above questions you should definitely consider taking the course. If you answered no to 3 or more you should enroll now!
-Have you been trying to figure out your purpose in life?
-Do you want to know what possibilities are inside you waiting to get out?
-Would you like to make your dreams crystal clear and start making them come true?
In this course through the through time proven steps developed in psychology, neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and philosophy you will be able to uncover what a dream life is for you and solidify why you want to live the way you do and how to do it. You will also find out what has been holding you back all these years and begin to break down the barriers that have you trapped in the life you don’t want.
I won’t lie, this course will be a lot of work. You will have to invest the needed hours, not only today, but over a lifetime to create the life you desire. You might come up against some emotions/beliefs you didn’t expect to be there but there is also assignments designed to pull you through this moments and break through what has been holding you back up until now.
I am really exited to have the opportunity to share this with you now. I have spent years gathering and developing the information in the course. I have packaged it up in the easiest way possible for anyone on any part of their life journey to find many things of value here.
Dlaczego ja? How can I help you build the life you want? When you read my work, you will notice the theme is about becoming the person you want to be so you can attract the things into your life that you desire.
Increase your inner game and your outer game will flow effortlessly. It is not about positive affirmations, although that does help. It is about realizing and expanding yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. So you can increase your talents, kochać życie, przezwyciężyć przeszłe porażki, zdrowie, happiness and anything else you might desire.
Life is short, here today gone today. So get off your ass and own your day!!
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