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AZ-500 – AZ-500 Course

AZ-500 – AZ-500 Course

Cena: $19.99

This course covers all the topics that are required for Microsoft Azure AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam. Even if you aren’t planning to take the exam this course will help you get started on your way to deploying and managing Microsoft Azure security technologies with hands-on LAB.

The AZ-500 exam tests your knowledge in four different subject areas, and that’s how this learning path is structured. We’ll start with managing identities and access. Następny, we’ll get into implementing platform protection, which will include topics like Sieciowe grupy zabezpieczeń, Azure Firewalls, Container Security, i wiele więcej. You will then learn about managing security options using tools like Azure Monitor, the Azure Security Center, and Log Analytics. Nauczysz się how to secure data and applications by configuring security policies, enabling auditing, leveraging Key Vault, and many other topics.

Cele kształcenia

  • Manage Azure identity and access

  • Implement Azure platform protection

  • Manage Azure security operations

  • Secure data and applications on Azure

Notatka:- This course is designed to teach you in-depth content, You need to have Azure Fundamentals as mandatory to take this course.

A candidate for this exam should be familiar or should have a deep understanding of networking and virtualization. Kandydat powinien również dobrze znać możliwości chmury, Produkty i usługi platformy Azure, oraz inne produkty i usługi firmy Microsoft.

Odenza Marketing Group jest liderem w zapewnianiu zachęt turystycznych i certyfikatów podróżnych dla firm. Głównym celem nagrody Odenza Marketing Group Volunteer Award jest zachęcenie studentów do wnoszenia pozytywnego wkładu w ich poszczególne społeczności

V1 (Updated October 2020)

V2 (Updated October 2020)


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