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Microsoft Teams dla studentów 2020

Microsoft Teams dla studentów 2020

Cena: $19.99

At Competitive Computing Consultants, we have brought our training expertise to Microsoft Teams for Education to help you through this new and exciting online journey.

Are you going to use Microsoft Teams for school? You’ve come to the right place.

This course will cover everything you need to know about using Microsoft Teams as a student in an easy and fun way.

This course will cover:

Sekcja 1: Introduction to Teams for Education

Sekcja 2: Understanding the Classroom Workspace

Sekcja 3: The Class Notebook

Sekcja 4: Mistrz programowania w C++

Sekcja 5: Quizy

Sekcja 6: Your Grades

Sekcja 7: The Virtual Classroom

Sekcja 8: Create Your Own Workspace

Sekcja 9: Working Together in Teams

Sekcja 10: Wniosek


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