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Microsoft Windows 10 Zawodowiec – Hands on Training

Microsoft Windows 10 Zawodowiec – Hands on Training

Cena: $19.99

O tym kursie:

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 10 in a Windows Server domain environment. These skills include understanding Windows 10 cechy, how they can be used in an Active Directory environment, and how to troubleshoot them.

This course is targeted for Enterprise Desktop Support Technicians, who provide Tier 2 support to users running Windows 10 on personal computers within a Windows domain environment in small to medium size organizations.

This course is also highly recommended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows 10 komputery stacjonarne, urządzenia, użytkownicy, and associated network and security resources. These professionals typically work with networks that are configured as Windows Server domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and cloud services.

Jeśli możesz skonfigurować środowisko wirtualnego laboratorium, you will not have an issue with completing the remainder of the course. Please do not enroll until you have completed either section 2 or section 3 Oczywiście.

This course teaches you the basic skills of Installation, Konfiguracja, and maintaining the windows 10 Pro operating system.

This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Microsoft Windows10 and is designed for those needing to be able to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for maintaining a Microsoft Windows 10 maszyna.

This course is structured using short tutorial videos and some hands-on labs as needed. Uczniowie oglądają krótki samouczek wideo, review the hands-on lab, and then complete the lab.

Dlaczego powinienem wziąć udział w tym kursie?

  • Solidne szkolenie praktyczne z praktyką laboratoryjną

  • Kompletny przewodnik po instalacji, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows 10 Zawodowiec

  • You will learn to install Microsoft Windows 10 Professional or better

  • You will also learn Microsoft networking and adding Windows 10 to a domain environment

  • 30-gwarantowana satysfakcja dnia

Ty masz 30 dniowa gwarancja zwrotu pieniędzy…!!!

And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 dniowa gwarancja zwrotu pieniędzy, jeśli kurs Ci się nie spodoba z jakiegokolwiek powodu. Więc na co czekasz? Go ahead and click on the “Enroll Now” button!

Nie mogę zagwarantować Twojego sukcesu – ten kurs wymaga pracy z Twojej strony!!!


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