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Multisim na żywo:Projektowanie obwodów i symulacja bez oprogramowania

Multisim na żywo:Projektowanie obwodów i symulacja bez oprogramowania

Cena: $94.99

Welcome to Multisim Live: Projektowanie obwodów i symulacja bez oprogramowania

If you have any experience with electronics at all and have not yet heard about National Instruments or any of their software or hardware solutions like Multisim, LabVIEW then you are missing a lot!!

W tym kursie, you will get to learn Multisim Live, the newly announced browser-based circuit simulator based on NI’s phenomenal Multisim standalone software.

Now let’s talk about circuit simulation software.

Physical circuits built with real components can be difficult to deal with. Each component has it’s own properties and parameters. If you are just getting started, You don’t know exactly what parts will work, so you want to do some swapping and testing.

Maybe you don’t have the parts, and all you have is an idea. Or even know exactly what you’re doing, but the cost of the system requires that it be tested virtually before actual hardware assembly.

This is why you need simulators. You can design and build in a virtual environment, adjust and edit virtual component parameters to match real tested components.

Multisim is the most complete and robust circuit design and simulation suite available.

  • Simple and easy to use format and layout.

  • The component library is EXTENSIVE and easy to navigate.

  • Access to numerous virtual versions of benchtop test equipment like function generator, oscilloscope, i inni.

W tym kursie, you will learn how to Simulate Electronic Circuits in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any electronic component.

This course will help you test your ideas and schematics without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.

Spis treści i przegląd This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design and simulation. You don’t need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer or a mobile device.

Jak obliczyć wzrost sprzedaży produktów: Multisim and Ultiboard Design Suite Step By Step Guide


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