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Symulacje Navisworks, Wykrywanie i wizualizacja kolizji

Symulacje Navisworks, Wykrywanie i wizualizacja kolizji

Cena: $89.99

This course it’s designed to teach how to use Navisworks as your BIM platform solution, integrating all other types of models and databases.

BIM is now on a second digital revolution where communication skills and programming would create a different value to construction and infrastructure BIM projects, the core stream would be reflected in responses and computer analysis rather than handmade models.

This time we will review navisworks as a required prerequisit to the construction processes that are about to come into the BIM workflows,its the first step to mix communication, BIM Models, and Databases

Communication is the core competence require for a fluent BIM Coordination,and Navisworks its a technical tool needed to increase efficiency on Construction Managment using BIM

This course complements is recomended with 4d Simulations using Navisworks and Dynamo, and Clash Detection.

Kurs ma 1 sample model to follow up so then you can do your own.

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