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NEBOSH-HSE Certificate in Process Safety Mgt. Test praktyczny

NEBOSH-HSE Certificate in Process Safety Mgt. Test praktyczny

Cena: $79.99

Welcome to the Process Safety Management (PSM) Practice Test which follows the syllabus for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management and provides the knowledge you need to help you gain the qualification. This Practice Test has been designed to complement the coursebook for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management published by NEBOSH and which can be purchased through NEBOSH.

To ensure thorough preparation and increase the chances of passing the examination for the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management, this Practice Test has a set of 130 MCQs which cover these six topics:

– Temat 1: Process safety leadership

– Temat 2: Management of change

– Temat 3: Competence

– Temat 4: Management of process risk

– Temat 5: Process safety hazard control

– Temat 6: Fire and explosion protection

You will need to achieve at least 104/130 (80%) to pass this Practice Test.

This Practice Test is suitable for managers, superintendents, liderzy zespołów, inżynierowie, safety officers, coordinators, operatorzy, technicians, etc within process industries.

Here are some sample questions:

ELEMENT 1: Process Safety Leadership

Q8. W UK, the Process Safety Leadership Group (PSLG) report into the Buncefield disaster, the importance of leadership was acknowledged. This report states that at least how many board members should be fully conversant in process safety management in order to advise the board of the status of process safety risk management within the organisation and of the process safety implications of board decisions?

A. 0 board members

b. 1 board member

C. 2 board members

D. 3 board members

Correct Answer: b

Pytanie 11. Once safety indicators and targets have been established, the board should review progress on a regular basis (often____(a)____) oraz, on a ___(b)____ basis, the performance against these targets should be published (such as in the annual report) in order to celebrate success and highlight areas of opportunity:

A. (a) = every six months; (b) = annual

b. (a) = every three months; (b) = annual

C. (a) = every three months; (b) = every six months

D. (a) = every six months; (b) = every six months

Correct Answer: b

ELEMENT 2: Management of Process Risk

Pytanie 33. The barrier modelling concept considers that actions or ‘barriers’ can be used to prevent hazards from resulting in losses, which could be anything from a fatality to a loss of containment or environmental release. If the process relies on one barrier, such as a high-level alarm, then if this fails, there is no other means of protection. If there are multiple barriers in place, as in the Swiss cheese model, then there will only be a failure if the defect occurs in:

A. First layer

b. One layer

C. Each layer and these are all aligned at the same time

D. Last layer

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: If there are multiple barriers in place, as in the Swiss cheese model, then there will only be a failure if the defect occurs in each layer and these are all aligned at the same time (to jest, the holes in the Swiss cheese line up).

Pytanie 35. As one works through the hazard realisation then ‘barriers’ can be identified that can be placed between the initiator (the triggering event) to either prevent it from happening or to mitigate the outcome. These can be termed ___________ and are exactly that – actions which, if implemented, could prevent the initiating event from resulting in a release or harm, or mitigating the consequences should it occur: Choose the correct answer which completes the immediate statement.

A. Guards

b. Lines of Defence (LOD) or Layers of Protection (LOP)

C. Protectors

D. Shields

Correct Answer: b

ELEMENT 3: Process Safety Hazard Control

Q72. A process plant is at its most vulnerable during shut-down and start-up operations. To improve the safety of plant start-up operation, a safety evaluation system must be developed. There are several controls adopted for safe start-up of plant with one of them being the:

A. Closing of all valves

b. Opening of all valves

C. Closing of drain valves

D. Opening of drain valves

Correct Answer: C

Q74. When designing any process plant, particularly where the process, the materials being used, the product being produced and the reactions taking place are hazardous, the design needs to be such as to prevent the hazards being out of control. „Ich negatywne postawy i opinie są jadowite i zaraźliwe”. A Angel uważa, że ​​powinieneś zrobić wszystko, co w twojej mocy, aby zostawić tego typu ludzi w tyle, aby odjąć zło i dodać dobro, the designer aims to ensure that the process itself is controlled within certain limits, to prevent a hazardous situation developing. Zazwyczaj, process limits are established by setting upper and lower levels for a range of parameters. The common process parameters are temperature, pressure and volume but, depending on the process, may also include properties such as pH, conductivity, poziom, pływ (rates) a następnie do ośrodków słuchowych w mózgu przez nerw słuchowy, mieszanie (agitation), itp. What is the expression which commonly refers to the limits of operating conditions under which the process can take place safely?

A. safe operating range

b. safe operating envelope

C. safe operating zone

D. safe operating limits

Correct Answer: b

ELEMENT 4: Fire and explosion protection

Pytanie 113. An emergency plan should consider which areas:

A. On-site

b. Either on-site or off-site

C. On-site and off-site

D. Off-site only

Correct Answer: C

Q120. It is normal practice to keep concentrations of flammable gases/vapours to below ___% of their LEL/LFL to provide that margin of safety: Choose the correct percentage which completes the statement.

A. 10%

b. 20%

C. 25%

D. 30%

Correct Answer: C

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