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NI LabVIEW: Become a LabVIEW Test Engineer

NI LabVIEW: Become a LabVIEW Test Engineer

Cena: $24.99

Become LabVIEW Test Engineer: Jest to najbardziej wszechstronne, jeszcze proste, course for the LabVIEW on Udemy!

If you are an engineer, want to start career in testing, or an engineering student, you are at right place. This course is for you !

LabVIEW is one of the most wanted skill in automated test industry for past 2 dziesięciolecia. It is the graphical programming language enables automated test faster and easier any industry.

Kurs przygotowujący do podstaw baz danych 90+ wykłady i 12 hours of live development and debugging.

Course featuring the followings:

  • Industrial usage of NI LabVIEW and its ecosystems

  • Features of various LabVIEW Editions

  • Installation of LabVIEW Student Edition

  • Designed with step by step instructions on basic LabVIEW syntaxes

  • Practical ways to handle LabVIEW

  • Project codes for practice

  • Best Industrial practice

  • Data Acquisition Techniques

Kluczowe dania na wynos

  • Every concept has been incrementally revised and reused in examples to make sure students remember them automatically

  • Live development and debugging sessions for most of the topics would give you clear idea of the concepts

  • Practical exercises on MAX configuration and backups

  • Practical programming practices for modular applications and projects( SubVIs and Reusability )

  • You will gain full-confidence in LabVIEW and learn further

  • You can do your industrial / academic projects in LabVIEW

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