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Oracle EBS Advance Pricing (R12) Training -Part 1

Oracle EBS Advance Pricing (R12) Training -Part 1

Cena: $49.99

This course will be applicable for students who want to learn Oracle E-Business Advance pricing Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.

Oracle Advanced Pricing provides the flexibility to meet the needs of complex pricing situations for a range of industry business requirements including: dobra konsumpcyjne, telekomunikacja, usługi, high technology, automobilowy, and aerospace/defense businesses that sell to other businesses; oraz, telemarketing, mail order catalog, and web store businesses that sell directly to consumers.

Learn To:

  • Use multiple currency price lists that enable global pricing
  • Setting up Oracle EBS Advance Pricing
  • Range and Point price breaks
  • create GSA Price list
  • Set up and use price lists with pricing lines to define item and/or item category prices
  • Define pricing rules and price products or components at any level in either customer or product-based hierarchies


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