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Plan, Implement and Manage  Microsoft Azure Intune

Plan, Implement and Manage Microsoft Azure Intune

Cena: $49.99

What is Microsoft Azure Intune?

A mobile devices cloud base management tool, which helps organization to manage their mobile devices and PC’s anytime from anywhere. It provide easier access to applications and resources Anytime from Any Mobile device they want.

To jest:

  • One of Microsoft Cloud Services to Manage & Secure PCS and Devices Anywhere.
  • Simple Web Based Administration Console.
  • Computers and devices can be manage from Anywhere, W każdej chwili.
  • You can manage updates for PC’s and devices.
  • It provides proactive monitoring and alerts.
  • You can have inventory of all your hardware and software.
  • You can Monitor Licenses.
  • You can configure Security Policies for PC’s and Devices.


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