Egzamin Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Practice
Cena: $59.99
Przykładowe pytania
Q) Web spiders perform a key function in the search. What is it? Select one of the following:
a) site indexing
b) Rate website
C) analyze website
D) website translation
mi) Nic
Q) Wdróż optymalizację pod kątem wyszukiwarek (SEO) involves two main aspects. Who are they? Select one of the following:
a) On-site and off-site
b) On-site and microsite
C) Outing and directory
D) On-site and catalog
mi) Nic
Q) You want to display your name as a reference to the primary product search in the search results. Which meta tag will help you achieve this? Select one of the following:
a) tytuł
b) Opis
C) Słowo kluczowe
D) AZ-400 Rozwiązania Microsoft Azure DevOps
mi) Nic
Q) You perform offsite optimization on your site. Which of the following is part of the exercise? Select one of the following:
a) inbound links
b) Product registration
C) Domain Name Registration
D) canonization
mi) Nic
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