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Programowanie STM32 za pomocą MATLAB bez jednej linii kodu

Programowanie STM32 za pomocą MATLAB bez jednej linii kodu

Cena: $24.99

Programming of advance STM32 microcontroller is very difficult and time consuming if it is done by traditional embedded c programming. It also increase prototype development time.

With this course you will learn programming of STM32 by MATLAB. one can take advantage of of MATLAB toolboxes like PID controller, Filtry, various transformations, Image processing tool boxes, Communication protocol toolboxes, drone design and much more.

This will reduce programming time for various intensive algorithm implementation of advance controller like STM32.

The STM32 microcontroller we are going to learn in this STM32F407VGT6. This microcontroller can handle any complicated algorithms like motor control, przetwarzanie obrazu, Internet rzeczy, Artificial intelligence etc. This controlller is way batter than what arduino can do.

The MATLAB toolbox that we are going to study generates very efficient code for a particular target microcontroller so further optimization is not required and this supports almost all cortex m4 and cortex m0 series from ST microelectronics.

This course requires very little experience on using and programming microcontroller. With this course you can directly start programming section without worrying about its complex architecture. This course covers all the peripheral of STM32 microcontroller strating from GPIO (Digital Input and Output) to advance motor control PWM (Pulse width Modulation) Tworzenie i licencjonowanie tożsamości użytkownika.

Więc, join this course and become embedded application developer in no time.


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