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Prosocial for Beginners

Prosocial for Beginners

Cena: $199.99

Prosocialis both a scientifically-grounded conceptual perspective and a practical program for increasing collaboration within and between groups. Its purpose is to help any team, organizacja, or community to become more effective and more equitable. This course will cover all aspects of Prosocial by explaining everything you need to know to create a prosocial group, or transform an existing group into a prosocial one.

Prosocial for Beginnersis currently under construction; only the first 4 sections are available at this moment, while the remaining 12 sections are in the development phase. Po ukończeniu, this course will have about 8 hours of video content and numerous quizzes, Przejmij kontrolę nad swoim szczęściem zawodowym, and downloadable resources.


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